Here Comes the Eucalyptus Management Console

I wanted to update everybody on the latest with our new user interface.

Recently, Korean translations were added, this adds to the Russian translations that were added a few days ago. It does help when we have team members who speak these languages natively!
We’ve also been fixing bugs at a rapid pace and got one more feature in there prior to feature freeze, import keypair. Read more about that here:
There are also some wiki pages taking shape. The one that might be of most interest is the FAQ ( We’re also gearing up for a massive scale test to evaluate the performance of the proxy component. We’ll be scaling up the number of “virtual” users by creating simulated loads on the proxy, then measuring performance using Selenium to run user scenarios and time the responsiveness.
I’ve included a bunch of screen shots below. Does anybody have suggestions for the UI? Have you run it and found bugs? Do you have a Jira account yet?
Is there anything we could document better? I’ll try to get some prelim docs made available, but we do have them in raw form here:

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